The development of the waqf sector in Indonesia has experienced extraordinary growth this year. Based on the Ministry of Religion’s Waqf Information System (2022), waqf land in Indonesia is spread over 440.5 thousand points with a total area of ​​57.2 hectares. In addition, the potential of the waqf sector in Indonesia, especially cash waqf, is estimated to reach 180 trillion rupiahs per year. The Indonesian Waqf Board recorded cash waqf acquisitions reaching 1.4 trillion rupiah as of March 2022. This figure has increased compared to the acquisition of cash waqf collected during 2018-2021 worth 855 billion rupiah.
This large waqf potential must be balanced with good waqf management so that there is no imbalance between waqf potential and realization. support from the government and the professionalism of Nazhir is one of the efforts to improve waqf management. The Ministry of Religion has collaborated with the Ministry of ATR/BPN in more than 400 districts/cities in accelerating waqf land certification. A total of 18,808 waqf land certificates have been issued as of November 2022. Waqf land certification can strengthen the legal basis of waqf land, so that the purpose of waqf land for the benefit of worship and realizing community welfare can be achieved (Ministry of Religion, 2022a). In addition to waqf land certification,
Even though waqf in Indonesia has shown quite good progress, there are still challenges that must be faced. Increasing waqf awareness, increasing government support, accelerating waqf certification, improving nazhir management, to digitizing waqf and integrating waqf data must still be made to improve waqf performance. Waqf performance measurement needs to be carried out as a means to increase awareness of waqf management and as a tool to monitor waqf developments (Siraj, 2012; Khalil et al., 2014; Siswantoro et al., 2017).
The existence of the National Waqf Index (IWN) which was launched in 2020 as a standardized measurement tool can be used as a reference for national waqf performance. The implementation of IWN in 2021 has also helped to measure how waqf is performing in each province in Indonesia so that BWI in particular can compare the results of regional measurements from time to time in preparing long-term plans for waqf management in Indonesia. The existence of a waqf index measurement that is standardized and acceptable at the country level can also be a tool for waqf authorities to evaluate and monitor the overall condition of waqf activities in a country and improve the recording of waqf assets (Zain et al., 2019) and reflects the transparency and accountability of waqf managers as a whole. overall in a country (Noordin et al., 2017).
In compiling the National Waqf Index, the completeness of the index is very important and must fulfill various aspects such as aspects of waqf management, support systems, and the impact of waqf on society plus aspects of achieving the development agenda. This is necessary because the waqf performance index at the state level can become a benchmark for all mutawali to comply with for the advancement of waqf management and become a medium for informing the public about how waqf has been successful for society and to what extent waqf potential has been utilized, which will ultimately increase awareness community about waqf. So that the waqf development agenda can be fulfilled.
This study aims to measure the national waqf index (IWN) at the provincial and regional levels in Indonesia in 2022 where the results of this measurement are expected to be used for making waqf policies considering the enormous impact on society.
Download:Â National Waqf Index 2022